Congratulations to all the filmmakers, ocean lovers, and storytellers that participated in the NEUM Underwater Film Festival. And congratulations to NEUM for a successful second year! I am humbled and privileged for my short film, Tiger (Shark) King, to have won both the Jury and Audience awards. I hope the film, about a man and his mission to destigmatize sharks and other ocean predators, is able to change perceptions about our relationship to the ocean and all of its important biodiversity. As Jim, the subject of the film always says: “we should not be afraid of sharks, rather be afraid of a world without sharks”. Sharks and other top ocean predators are crucial for the healthy balance in our oceans.
It is wonderful and important that festivals and events like the NEUM underwater Film Festival exist, so that we turn our gaze to beneath the waves and keep the marvels of the blue depths on our minds. Although I couldn’t attend in person I was thrilled to be able to participate from afar. Thank you again!

Izjava pobjednika Neum underwater film festivala 2022
Clayton Conn US, redatelj pobjednučkog filma Tiger (Shark) King
Čestitke svim filmašima, ljubiteljima oceana i pripovjedačima koji su sudjelovali na Festivalu podvodnog filma u Neumu. A festivalu čestitam na uspješnoj drugoj godini! Skroman sam i privilegiran što je moj kratki film, Tiger (Shark) King osvojio i nagradu žirija i nagradu publike. Nadam se da će film, o čovjeku i njegovoj misiji da destigmatizira morske pse i druge oceanske predatore, moći promijeniti percepciju o našem odnosu prema oceanu i svoj njegovoj važnoj bioraznolikosti. Kao što Jim, sudionik filma uvijek kaže – ne trebamo se bojati morskih pasa, radije se bojati svijeta bez morskih pasa. Morski psi i drugi veliki oceanski grabežljivci ključni su za zdravu ravnotežu u našim oceanima.
Divno je i važno da postoje festivali i događanja poput Neum underwater film festivala, kako bismo svoj pogled usmjerili u podmorje valova i zadržali u mislima čuda plavih dubina. Iako nisam mogao osobno prisustvovati, bio sam oduševljen što mogu sudjelovati izdaleka. Hvala vam opet!