
Neum 2022 OPEN CALL

Do not miss Neum underwater film festival 2022. We plan to be together, artist and spectators, in august 2022 in Neum, on 2nd world festival of underwater arts. See more info in Submit section.


Neum europsko središte podvodnog filma

Večernji list – Međunarodni festival podvodnog filma Neum 2021 – Underwater film festival Neum 2021, održava se u Neumu, 27. i 28. 8. 2021.  godine pod pokroviteljstvom Općine Neum. Prvi dan Festivala podvodnog filma održati će se projekcije filmova u službenoj konkurenciji, a drugi dan će se održavati edukativno ekološke radionice podvodnog snimanja, odabira tehnike Read More


Hello underwater filmmakers!

Welcome to Neum underwater film festival, which will be held in august/september 2021. Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Underwater film artist can excpect unique festival, on sea coast city of Neum. The festival jury will fund best film, best camera, best original music, best local film. The festival will held in Neum’s hotel, in live. Filmmakers Read More